cult & classics: MILLENNIUM ACTRESS – Mockingbird Cinema,
Screen 2, B9 4AA | 87 mins | Rated PG | Saturday 30th September 15:45

© 2001 Millennium Actress Production Committee
© 2001 Millennium Actress Production Committee


From genius director Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paprika), take a journey through cinema history via his unique, world-bending perspective.

With the renowned Ginei Studios shutting down and their buildings about to be demolished, film-maker Genya Tachibana sets out to commemorate this historical moment by interviewing the studio’s former superstar – the now-reclusive Chiyoko Fujiwara.

Thirty years on from her disappearance from the limelight, one question lingers – why did she end her career and vanish at the peak of her acting powers? The truth lies within a key found by Genya many years prior… a key that is far more than just a memento, and instead serves as an emblem of her entire raison d’être.

As Chiyoko recounts her story, so Genya and his cameraman are pulled into a wide-ranging journey through the lens of her films. Interviews and recollections, acting and reality, all blur into the single rich tapestry of a remarkable life.
